Make your website faster in 5 minutes
The "speed" or "performance" of your website is only based on one thing: how long it takes from when your user clicks until the data gets from your servers to the eyeballs of your user. Some companies can spend hundreds of hours and millions of dollars tuning queries, to shave off 20% of a 5ms query, but at the end of the day all that matters is your application's response time as perceived by the end user.
For most websites I'd say 2% of the time is spent in the database, 20% in the app code, 10-20% in transfer or latency, while the rest is spent or wasted on the front end. If i was going to spend the least amount of time/money to increase the most performance, I would focus on the front end of the application. Specifically, on how the browser requests, caches and renders data.
You're end user shouldn't have to wait around for stuff he doesn't need. Theres no point in hitting the webserver again and again requesting the same exact media files (css/javascript/images). These dont change so its a waste of processing power and bandwidth to server them. In order to prevent the user's browser you have to explain that their local cache shouldn't expire instantly. Set far future expires headers on your static content and you wont have to server it again and again. Doing this is trivial in either Apache of IIS
ExpiresActive OnThis is what i have set on my static content server, if you're using the same webserver to serve up dynamic content, you probably want to specify expires header by type instead
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000You might have just reduced your bandwidth and response time by 20%. Additionally, read up on ETags and why they should be configured correctly. Probably just do this
ExpiresByType image/png A2592000
ExpiresByType image/jpg A2592000
ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A2592000
ExpiresByType text/css A2592000
FileETag noneObviously, you want to send as little data as possible out of your webserver. Reducing file sizes and using common css/js files are pretty obvious performance techniques. What you might also want to do is compress text files as they are sent form your webserver; modern browsers can decode GZip'ed data at the small expense of processing power. To enable apache webserver to send gzip content use mod_deflate
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascriptIn my experience this seems to reduce the size of html/js/css files by 60% or more. Obviously this will reduce the transfer time of your content.
Finally, understand how browsers render web pages. Any time JavaScript is run, the browser will block page rendering. This is because JavaScript is able to write out data to the page. If you load all your JavaScript in the , your page won't start rendering on the client until it has all been transfered and loaded on the browser. Additionally you probably want to load all of your CSS as soon as possible; that way you can get required images as soon as possible if needed. A good rule of thumb:
Put your CSS at the top of the page
Put your JavaScript at the bottom of the page
On a side note, Django rocks and mootools rocks
1 comment:
Yahoo has some pretty good resources related to web performance:
Although, it does look like you've hit a few they cover aready.
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